
March 7, 2012

Black and White Challenge Day 3


This is my third post for the Black and White Nail Challenge. The theme for today's nails was to create a manicure using a black base with some color. I have been thinking about making roses on my nails for a while now and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. These roses are super easy to make. I learned it from this video.

For this, I applied two coats of Wet N Wild Black Cream. Then using Zoya Sooki and Essie Blanc I made the roses using an orange wood stick. After it dried, I drew leaves using a green acrylic paint. After everything dried, I applied China Glaze Matter top coat. It looked kinda dull so I applied L.A. Colors green glitter on the leaves and little silver glitter on the roses. The roses had some texture so I went a step further and applied top coat on just the roses and leaves. I really liked how it turned out. 

The products I used. You can also check the items used list at the bottom of the page.

Items used: 
Base Coat: Seche Clear
Polish: Wet N Wild Black Cream (2 coats)
Polish used for Nail Art: Zoya Sooki, Essie Black, L.A. Colors Green and Silver Glitter.
Top Coat: Seche Vite and China Glaze Matte Top Coat
Others: Black and Green Acrylic Paint, Orange wood stick, and Brushes

I will appreciate any suggestions or comments.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Love the roses on the black background. They came out great!

  2. Darling, This is beyond gorgeous! I Love it!!

    I also learned to make roses by watching that video. Super easy to make but it gives a GREAT result! I love it.

  3. That is one of the most stunning manis I've seen recently! Gorgeous! :D

  4. This is amazing! I love the way the flowers work with the matt background :)

  5. Oooo! Roses on matte black!!! Loooove :)

  6. Vau, this is so gorgeous. <3

  7. Gorgeous! Love the black matte background. It made the roses pop even more.

  8. These are amazing!!!! you really do some great stuff!

  9. Thank you so much everyone for their beautiful comments. I am just overwhelmed and you guys encourage me to do more nail art stuff =]

  10. Nice video! I think your roses are really beautiful and, like Rina said, the black background makes them pop up so good! I like the glitter-touch! :-)
