
March 1, 2012

Black and White Challenge Day 1


This is my first post for the Black and White Nail Challenge. The theme for today's nails was to create a black on white manicure. I like how this mani turned out and when applying top coat I was praying Please don't Smudge! Please don't Smudge!

For this, I applied 2 coats of Essie Blanc. Then using the Bundle Monster image plate 209 I stamped the dots design on all the fingers using Wet N Wild Black Cream. I missed the design in certain spots but its not too bad. Black Cream is one the best and cheap black stamping polish and I even like it better than the konad black.

The products I used. You can also check the items used list at the bottom of the page.

Items used: 
Base Coat: Seche Clear
Polish: Essie Blanc (2 coats)
Stamping Polish: Wet N Wild Black Cream
Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster 209
Top Coat: Seche Vite

I will appreciate any suggestions or comments.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I really like the way that came out! I've used that design once, stamping white onto Zoya Charla. I liked it but I think I like the black and white look more!

    1. Thanks Sarah,
      I was kind of skeptical when i thought about this design but it turned out much better than I imagined.

  2. I like how this came out! I think with this challenge were discovering how amazing white and black looks stamped over one another!

    1. Thanks Marketta,
      You are exactly right. These are the two colors I use the least when painting my nails as compared to other colors. I think this challenge is going to change my attitude towards Black and White :D

  3. I love this. Looks really special somehow. :)

  4. black and white rock! it looks super cute!

  5. Thank u so much everyone=]
    I am glad u guys liked it!

  6. Now I seriously have to get myself BM image plates =). This manicure looks great =)

    1. Thank u=]
      The plates are really good for their price. Just a heads up, they are coming up with the new plates this summer.

  7. lovely, black & white combo always works :-D
