
January 5, 2012

Wild Flower!


For this post, I saw something similar on eBay last week and it was an airbrush design with just one metallic color. I tried to look for the design so that I could provide the link but could not find it. This is a tutorial so you can follow the steps to achieve this nail art. As always, have fun with it.

 Step 1: Apply any light shade of polish. I applied 2 coats of Zoya Erika.

FYI: Follow Step 2 & 3 if you are a beginner. If not, go to Step 4.

Step 2: Make 5 dots using a dotter to represent where you want the petals of the flower. I used red acrylic paint for the dots. I remember when I first started I could not get the petals of my flower right. Sometimes, there was too much gap and sometimes too much crowded. This is the technique I used to use to get my petals right. Practice it a couple of times then you won't have to go through it again.

Step 3: Just draw an outline surrounding the dots to represent the shape of the flower.

Step 4: Make a flower in the middle of the nail using the red acrylic paint. If you followed Step 2 and 3 then just fill in the flower. Then make two leaves one at the top and one at the bottom using the green acrylic paint.

Step 5: Make some strokes using an orange acrylic paint to give flower some color. Then using a fine brush make an outline of the petals using a black acrylic paint. Similarly, using yellow acrylic paint just lightly stroke one side of the leaves and make an outline of the leaves using black acrylic paint. Using dotting tool I made some dots using OPI Jade is the new black and China Glaze 2030.

Step 6: Apply a light pink rhinestone in the middle of the flower. Then apply the top coat. And there you have it!

Closeup: Just to make sure you guys understand what I am talking about in the previous steps :D

The products I used. You can also check the items used list at the bottom of the page.

Items Used:
Polish: Zoya Erika
Polish used for Dotting: OPI Jade is the New Black, and China Glaze 2030.
Top Coat: OPI Top Coat
Others: Acrylic paint ( Red, Orange, Green, and Yellow), Dotting tool, Brushes, and Pink Rhinestone.

I will appreciate any suggestions or comments.

Thanks for looking.


  1. very vibrant floral design full of colors,...... its nice !

  2. Beautiful, thank xou for the tutorial :)

    Hope you don't mind me posting a link here, I just wanted to invite you to join my first nail polish giveaway :)
